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The Wangaratta Contemporary Textile Award celebrates the diversity and strength of Australian textile art. Building on Wangaratta's long and prominent history of textile manufacturing, and craft making, the award furthers this unique tradition and social history by elevating and promoting the development of contemporary textile practice in Australia.
The second biennial Wangaratta Contemporary Textile Award was held from 4 June – 17 July 2011. Over 200 entries by 134 artists were received, with 44 artworks by 42 artists selected to be involved in the award exhibition. The selection panel for 2011 included Anthony Camm, Director, Ararat Regional Art Gallery, Antonia Syme, Director, Australian Tapestry Workshop and Wangaratta Art Gallery Director, Dianne Mangan. The award judge was artist Valerie Kirk.
Patrick Snelling was the 2011 award winner for his work, 8.9, 2010-11.
Patrick Snelling, 8.9, 2010-11, digital and handprinted textiles. Winner of the Wangaratta Contemporary Textile Award 2011.